Today, Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for President of the United States. I know that just sends a thrill down your leg. She said she wants to be "your champion". Well, it is 3am. Do you really want her answering the phone again? Let's ask Tyronne Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith. These are my champions. She will abandon you just like she abandoned them.
For those of you who are not familiar with my champions, the following is an excerpt from the Rush Limbaugh Show describing some of what happened 9/11/12:
RUSH: Okay, coming up in the next hour, ladies and gentlemen, some of
the highlights from a Saturday night show on Fox. Jeanine Pirro had the
father of Tyrone Woods on. There's something that has come up about
Benghazi, about Tyrone Woods that needs to be pointed out with a
question asked about it, and it's this: The consulate was being shelled
by mortar fire. Now, Tyrone Woods, Navy SEAL, violated three orders not
to go.
it's not correct to say, folks, that they were ordered to stand down.
That doesn't quite cut it, because what that really means is they were
told not to go help. They were told not to relieve the ambassador. They
were told not to offer assistance. That's what they were told. They
weren't told to stand down. What that means is, “Sit tight and don't go
there and don't help.” He violated orders. He went over there.
He found where the mortar fire was coming from. He painted it with
his laser. Now, folks, talk to anybody in the military. There's only one
reason you do that. He was painting where that mortar fire was coming
from because he figured there was air support that was then gonna take
that mortar location out. That's why he was lasering it. He was
effectively lighting it up.
He thought there was air support. He thought there was cover. Because
all he did was tell the terrorists at the mortar control place where he
was! They were able to find him, and it was that mortar fire that killed
him. Now, why would he light it up? Why would he paint it if there was
no assistance? He clearly thought there was. This becomes more
outrageous as the days go by and as we continue to learn more and more
about it.
RUSH: Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit has run across a bombshell blog
post from a former Delta operator, BlackFive. “Having spent a good bit
of time nursing a GLD (ground Laser Designator) in several garden spots
around the world, something from the report jumped out at me. One of the
former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means that Specter
“Probably an AC130U,” an airplane on station. This is a former Delta
operator. This guy has painted targets with lasers, which guide the
bombs from the aircraft. In this case, the Specter is the C-130 out of
Italy. We're told we didn't have any assets. We're told the assets were
told to “stand town” and the people were told to “stand down.” But
BlackFive, this former Delta operator, said (summarized), “Wait a
minute, I heard that Tyrone Woods was painting the target.” In other
words, he was giving the laser-guided bomb the target.
“One of the former SEALs was actively painting the target. That means
that Specter WAS ON STATION! Probably an AC130U,” an airplane. A ground
laser designator is not a briefing pointer laser. You do not ‘paint’ a
target until the weapons system/designator is synched; which means that
the AC130,” the Hercules, “was on station. Only two places could have
called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on
[presidential] direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information
directly from the target area.”
And we first learned of AFRICOM with our really wonderful, great caller last week.
“If the AC130 never left [Italy] (as Penetta [sic] says) that means
that the Predator that was filming the whole thing was armed. If that
SEAL was actively ‘painting’ a target; something was on station to
engage! And the decision to stand down goes directly to POTUS!” That’s
from this former Delta guy, and this is what got Tyrone Woods killed.
Because by painting the target, he was also illuminating himself.
He was targeting a laser-guided missile to the mortar-fire
encampment, location. I don't know what the military term for that is,
but where the terrorists were firing mortars, he had found it and he was
painting it for a strike. He thought that there were assets in the sky.
There would be no reason -- you don't need a Delta operator to tell you
this. Common sense. There's no reason to paint that target and give
yourself up in the process if there's no attack.
Why point the laser at a target that's gonna guide the missile if
there isn't a missile? So what all of these military people who know
this stuff are thinking -- and you can see this popping up now on
various blogs all over the Internet. There is an outrage bubbling up
because the lies are being compounded, and none of it makes any sense.
What Panetta and the White House and the State Department and all these
other people are saying doesn't make any sense, when put in context with
the actions taken by the SEALs on the ground.
So the conclusion these guys are coming to is that the asset was
there to launch the laser-guided missile. Tyrone Woods was painting the
target, but the missile wasn't fired. So the question becomes: Who
ordered no attack, after having the asset? And if it wasn't the Hercules
it means the drone that was videotaping this -- which is what enables
the White House and the State Department to see it in real time, the
drone up there -- then the drone was armed and somebody pulled the order
to have the missile fired from the drone.
This is outrageous, folks. This is just unacceptably outrageous. It's
not just the incompetence here. It is now the lying and the cover-up
that is really getting to people. Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone
Woods, was on Fox. He’s been all over the place, but he said some really
powerful stuff on Saturday night.
RUSH: Okay, folks, please bear with me here. I'm gonna get to the
sound bites of Charles Woods el quicko, but I want to make one more
point about Tyrone Woods painting the mortar target with his laser in
the expectation -- by the way, BLACKFIVE is a website run and operated,
frequented by former military types, including a lot of Delta operators,
Delta Force, Special Ops. They're livid. He wouldn't have painted the
target if he didn't think there was an asset that was gonna fire on the
target. That mortar encampment is what killed him. When he painted it
he gave his location away. Cell phones have night vision capability.
He gave himself up.
Now, here's what's interesting. On the campaign trail in Denver, on
October 26th, Barack Obama said this: "The minute I found out what was
happening, I gave the directive to make sure that we are securing our
personnel and doing whatever we need to do. I guarantee you everybody
in the CIA and the military knew the number one priority was making sure
our people are safe." Now, our ambassador in Libya was killed in the
consulate in Benghazi on September 11th. For three weeks after that,
Obama said the morning after the attack was over he ordered increased
security in our embassies in the region. Then October 26th he changed
the story. He said, "The minute I found out what was happening I gave
the directive."
So here's what military experts are asking now. If the operative
story from Obama is that he had given orders to do whatever it took to
secure the lives of these people, who didn't follow them? In other
words, who ordered either the AC-130 or the drone not to fire on the
target Tyrone Woods had painted with his laser? Because Obama is out
there on record, he gave the order, do what's necessary. So Obama's
trying to cover himself by saying, "Look, I'm not the one that told
anybody not to use the military." He's out there now saying he
essentially gave the order to do what was necessary to defend and
protect these people. So the question now has become, well, who
disobeyed orders? And of course the logical conclusion is that Obama
never gave the order, that he's just lying now, saying that he did.
Wait 'til you hear Pat Caddell. You can't follow this story and
learn more and more without becoming physically angry and repulsed --
you just can't -- at all of the cheap lying and rear-end covering that's
going on here. It's just unacceptable. We are the United States of
America. The idea that they don't have the ability to defend and
protect people in that kind of situation is simply absurd. And the idea
that we wouldn't take the action necessary to do so is also absurd.
Okay, Saturday night on Fox it is Justice with Judge Jeanine, Jeanine
Pirro. She interviewed Charles Woods, the father of security agent,
former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, killed in the attack at the consulate at
Benghazi. This is the young man painting the target with the laser.
She first said to him, "Mr. Woods, what did the president say to you?"
WOODS: He came up to me and in not a very sincere voice said, "I'm
sorry." Now -- and then we shook hands, gave him, you know, like that,
and then what I said to him was, "Mr. President, I appreciate your
service." And I said, "I am at peace." And I could tell that he was
not at peace. And I said, "My heart grieves because I've lost my son.
My emotions have gone up and they've gone down, but the reason that I am
at peace is because I know that God is in control of every situation.
That's why our family is handling this much better than you would
RUSH: That's what he told President Obama. Jeanine Pirro said, "Why
do you think no help was sent? You know that your son, Ty, was on the
ground asking for backup. He was pleading for an AC-130. How does that
make you feel?"
WOODS: The Navy SEALs are extremely honorable, and they have a code
of ethics, a code of honor. And part of that code of honor is they will
never leave anyone behind. Okay, why did they allow them to die? Why
didn't they send help? When it came out this last week that whoever it
was -- I'm not gonna say who it was, but whoever it was in the White
House was watching this live feed of my son being murdered, then I
decided, it's time to do two things. One, is this is not political,
okay. If this becomes political, that would dishonor my son's life and
his death. But what we want to do is we want to honor my son, and we
also want there to be truth and justice, as well as forgiveness.
RUSH: He wasn't going to go public with any of this. That was the
nature of her question. He wasn't gonna go public until he found out
that they started to lie. When he found out that there was video of
this in the Situation Room at State Department, people were watching
this, and no help was sent, that's when he decided to start doing
interviews. Then Jeanine Pirro said, "You feel your son risked his life
and that your son was murdered. You've made some strong statements
WOODS: The legal definition of murder would not fit into this.
Let's put it this way. My feeling is, that in fact it was murder.
PIRRO: And if you could say something to the president, what would you say?
WOODS: I would say, if it was you, Your Honor, I totally forgive
you. But for your benefit, I would want you to turn your life around and
head the other direction so that blessings can continue to flow into
your life. I want the best for you, and that means you need to stand
up, admit your fault, and then change the direction of your life. I
love this country of ours.
RUSH: That is the father of Tyrone Woods. And that was, folks,
powerful. She asked him, "If you could say something to the president,
what would you say?" "I would say if it was you, Your Honor, I forgive
you. But I would want you to turn your life around, head the other
direction. I want the best for you, and that means you need to stand up
and admit your fault and then change the direction of your life."
Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods. Next question from Geraldo
Rivera. This was last night on Geraldo's show. He said, "How do you
feel about calling the president a murderer?"
WOODS: If this attack on American citizens, on American soil,
happened 2,000 miles away from Washington, DC, say in Los Angeles or in
Seattle, would you have waited seven hours before you sent the first
airplane? Would you have waited seven hours until the attack was over?
Would you have waited a couple of days until you had all the videos and
all the information before you responded in a responsible military way?
You can read the rest of the discussion by googling Tyronne Woods/Benghazi/rush limbaugh.
This post was not endorsed by any political candidate, nor was money exchanged from foreign sources. The make up artist was fired before filming.
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