Wednesday, December 3, 2014



   So, here it is, the third day of December, 2014.  We are through Thanksgiving.  And all I see on the television or hear on the radio is "Happy Holidays".  Houston is lighting their "holiday tree".  Commercials tout "holiday" gifts.  Now, really, what "holiday" does anyone give gifts for...Independence Day?  Veterans Day?  The whole world must be infected with "stupid"!  I don't recall EVER giving a holiday gift, how about you?

    I am sick of stupid pundits not knowing what "holiday" is in December, ESPECIALLY when they are trying to sell products for it.  I even saw a facebook post from one of our Congresswomen wishing everyone a "happy holiday".  No wonder our government is not working.  Nobody in D.C. knows what holiday is in December!

   Please allow me to present exhibit A:  

   I live in the United States of America, and in spite of what my President said, this country is founded on a Judeo-Christian belief.  Examine the above image of our currency and note the words, "in God we trust".  There is your evidence.  I don't care if you like that or not.  That is the fact.  So, please don't insult me with any "happy holiday" garbage.  If you don't know that Christmas is celebrated in this country in the month of December, just keep your mouth shut, or better yet, just leave.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014



   I was doing some research today related to schizophrenia and it occurred to me that I had stumbled upon the answer to the question regarding the politicians in D.C.  Now, hear me out and see if you agree:

   Let's identify schizophrenia:  it is a brain disorder that affects the way a person acts, thinks, and sees the world.  It causes an "ALTERED PERCEPTION OF REALITY, often a significant loss of contact with reality".  Doesn't this describe the behavior of most of the federal politicians?

   But wait!  Schizophrenia may cause the affected person to hear things that don't exist, speak in strange or confusing ways, believe that others are trying to harm them, or feel like they are constantly being watched.  O. K., I guess you could also include Obama's media.

   With such a blurred line between the real and imaginary, schizophrenia makes it difficult, even frightening, to negotiate the activities of daily life.   In response, people with schizophrenia may withdraw from the outside world (or their constituents and life outside of The Beltway) or act out in confusion and fear.

   I have to question common people who are living with this diagnosis.  How different is it from what is currently displayed in Washington?   I am not making light of having the diagnosis.  I am saying that it may be a little more commonplace than we are aware.


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Friday, August 15, 2014



   I was recently called as a witness in a court hearing.  I am still assessing the meaning of what I went through.  I like to look at my little town as a microcosm of the entire United States of America.  I have asked for wisdom to relate my experience in court to what my fellow Americans experience.
   I took the stand as a witness and was sworn in to tell "the truth, the whole truth", so help me God.  The attorney, who had not met with me previously, asked me some questions.  As I was answering the questions, the other attorney kept rising from her chair and my testimony was suspended.  After several times of the other attorney rising, the Judge told me there were rules related to my testimony, and would I just answer the questions.  Well, that was what I was doing before that attorney kept interrupting.  Obviously, her Mama didn't teach her any manners, but I'm sure His Honor probably already knew that.
   So, my question is this:  if I swear to tell "the truth, the whole truth" and I am prevented from telling it, why do they want me to swear to do what they don't want me to do?  A little piece of the truth implies a lie, distorting the truth.  Does the Court want the truth or not?
   In these troubling times with our own federal government and news media so out of control in distorting the truth, I have to wonder how my little experience relates to all of that.  Have the courts always distorted testimony to imply a lie with a small piece of the truth?  That is how Satan operates.
   Yes, Virginia, everything always comes back to God's Word.  I am certainly petitioning for wisdom from My Father for the answer.

You are encouraged to leave a comment with your thoughts.

You are also invited to visit Oma at  and   By the way, I made the sour cream chicken enchiladas last night which were posted at


Monday, July 14, 2014



   I have begun researching the sponsors and/or those who advertise on I-Dine Out Blog to discover if they are aware of how prejudiced Allen Youngblood is when it comes to our Sheriff's Department.  Reading his posts about anything related to the Sheriff's Department reveals his disdain for it.  I just don't get it.
   So, I have begun contacting First Liberty National Bank, who sponsors the blog.

Paul Henry is the contact person there.  His phone number is 936-334-3140.  He was out when I
phoned, so I left a message.  He also has an e-mail account and there is a link to it from First Liberty National Bank "contact us" page.
   Then, I contacted Willie T's Auto Repair and was told Willie Trousdale is the contact person there:  936-336-5346.  He advertises on the blog.  He was out but I will continue to contact him.
   My goal is to ask these businesses if they have read and endorse what Mr. Youngblood posts.  I will update you as they return my calls.

7/14/14  4:40 pm
   I spoke briefly with Mr. Trousdale on the phone.  He said he was extremely busy and asked that I call back in the morning.  I have not heard back from Mr. Henry.

7/15/14  10:30 am
   I spoke with Mr. Trousdale this morning on the phone related to him supporting I-Dine Out with advertising on the site.  Mr. Trousdale told me that he had a long history with Youngblood Wholesale, which was owned by Alan Youngblood's parents.  He said he was unaware of the posts by the younger Youngblood targeting the Sheriff's Department, and the employees personally.  He stays too busy with his business and doesn't spend time surfing the web, but said he will take the time to check it out.  He said that I could quote him saying that Mr. Youngblood's views are not necessarily in line with his own, and went on to say that he has repaired the vehicles of the Sheriff's Department for years.
   I would like to thank Mr. Trousdale for his time in responding to my questions.

7/17/14   6:51 pm
   I just have to say that it is just plain rude not to return a phone call.  The reason anyone leaves a message is because they would like to talk to you.  That is why they spent the time and effort to phone you in the first place.  Please see the post, "Phone Protocol for Contacting Baby Boomers" at
   As of today, I am still awaiting a return phone call from Mr. Henry at First Liberty National Bank related to supporting I-Dine Out's smear campaign against the Liberty County Sheriff's Department.

7/18/14   3:41 pm
   I have finally received a call-back from Mr. Henry with First Liberty National Bank.  He said he had returned my call but was unable to leave a message.
  We discussed the issues with the posts on I-Dine Out, which Mr. Henry stated he was unaware of.  He did say that he would look into it and pay closer attention to what he was associating First Liberty National Bank with.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014



photo courtesy of Wikipedia 

 Let's talk a little about the "big" win of Thad Cochran, Republican Senator from Mississippi, since he has been in the news lately.  Well, not in the main stream, Obama controlled media, but in the real media, such as,, etc.  It has also been the subject of discussion on talk radio, such as The Rush Limbaugh Show, Mark Levin, etc.  So, let's see if we can get the Cliff's notes on what happened in Mississippi:
   To explain about primaries, we'll touch on the basics:  When a candidate is running for office, they mush first win their primary.  If they don't get more than 50% of the vote, there is a run off of the top two candidates.  
   Most voters I know don't understand the importance of the primaries, are not well informed about the candidates running, are just too lazy to get out and vote until the regular election, or a combination of these excuses.
   In most states, including Mississippi, if you vote in the primary, you can only vote in that same party's runoff election.  So, if you vote for Joe Blo, Democrat, in the primary and he did not get over 50% of the vote, then he would go to a runoff election with the other candidate with the most votes.  You are disqualified to vote in the Republican runoff election, if their candidate did not reach 50% of the Republican support.
   If you did not vote in any party's primary and there is a runoff in one of the parties, then you are qualified to vote in that runoff, if you intend to vote in that party's general election.  
   Leave me a comment if you didn't understand this, and I will make another attempt to clarify.

   So, in Mississippi, Thad Cochran did not garner the majority of the Republican votes in the primary for Senate, so he was forced into a runoff election.  On June 10th, the NRSC held a fundraiser with top Senators in support of Senator Cochran.  They did not want to concede the election to a conservative Republican, Chris McDaniel.  
   According to Breitbart news, those who attended and gave financial support to Cochran to win included  the following Senators:  

Cochran’s Mississippi colleague Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AL), Rob Portman (R-OH), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Barrasso (R-WY), John Thune (R-SD), John Cornyn (R-TX), Bob Corker (R-TN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Dean Heller (R-NV), Richard Shelby (R-AL), and McConnell (R-KY).

   Is your Senator listed here?  These are "establishment Republicans" who are in the Senate to promote their own personal interests, not those of Americans.  By the way, Senator Cochran was absent from the fundraiser.

   Looking in Wikipedia to understand who the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is, this is what we find: 

The NRSC helps elect non-conservative Republican incumbents and challengers primarily through fundraising.[1] Other services include campaign activities using media and communications, as well as research and strategy planning. Prior to the rise of the Tea Party, the NRSC seldom was involved in choosing sides between Republican candidates in primaries. In the 2014 Mississippi Senate primary runoff between 36-year incumbent Thad Cochran and conservative challenger Chris McDaniel, the NRSC resorted to reliance on democrat voters to propel Cochran to victory by running on non-Republican principles of larger government spending.[2][3]

   You can read each Senator's response to why they were attending this fundraiser to give financial support at   Here is the heading: 

GOP Senators Scurry from NRSC HQ After McConnell's 'All In' for Thad Cochran Fundraiser


   Since this is a lot of information to absorb, I will post about the shady mechanisms of the Mississippi election in another post.  Hang on, though, it is an eye-opening journey.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014



   I joined a lively conversation tonight on facebook.  The question was this:  "I do have a question for people who support using government coercion on gay marriage. If you're quick to ban gay marriage because it's not biblical, would you oppose banning divorce provided that marital unfaithfulness did not occur? I think people who say, "I'm willing to ban gay marriage because it's wrong but not divorce" simply hates homosexuals." 
   The conversation ensued.  What are your thoughts?  Please feel free to leave your comments on this site.
   Here are my thoughts:   I am against the government trying to change the definition of words.  The history of this country is such that we would not condone polygamy or bigamy, so why in the world would we condone marriage to same gender or animals or babies or whatever?  There is a way for homosexuals to legitimize their relations; it is called "civil union".  Period.  I should not be forced to validate you or your actions. 
   Actions.  Homosexual acts are actions.  Smoking cigarettes is an action.  Smokers are discriminated against and it is sanctioned by local governments.  Why should I recognize homosexuals as someone who should have a higher status than a smoker?  It is hogwash, I tell you!
   I am against our government trying to force their own personal religious beliefs on everybody.  My G-d gave everybody free will.  Why is our government trying to take that from us?  We have unalienable rights endowed to us by my G-d:  the RIGHT TO LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 
   Let's see what Merriam Webster has to say about liberty:  
1.  the state or condition of people who are able to ACT AND SPEAK FREELY.  (Well, we don't 
     have that one anymore, do we Mr. Sterling?)
2.  the power to do or choose what you want to (We can't open a bakery in America without being 
     forced to agree with homosexuals.)
3.  the power of choice
   Wikipedia makes the statement that the protection of these rights is the reason governments are created.  Well, ours is not doing such a good job of that.  Our government is forcing taxpayers to support government sanctioned murder,  forcing us to pay to deny almost 56,000,000 people their right to life.  We have the "speech police" everywhere, even in our private homes, listening to private conversations.  We cannot pursue happiness if we are forced to go against our religious beliefs, such as condoning acts that make my G-d vomit.
   At the same time, do not accuse me of hating you if you murdered your baby before he was born, or if you make my G-d vomit.  I want the government to protect my rights.  I just want everyone else out of my life so I can pursue the happiness I was born to enjoy.
   What I would really like is for the Republican Party to direct the conversation, not follow the lead of the Liberals.  I don't want militant homosexuals to direct our government.  I don't want Sharia Law to be the law of the land.  I want my government to protect my rights, secure our country, and leave me out of everybody's bedroom.  I want less government regulation so American companies can put Americans back to work.  Is that too much to ask?

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Friday, May 23, 2014



   I had the displeasure of seeing the news on our local Fox network last evening (KRIV channel 26).  I really don't usually sit down and watch the major network news programs, as they don't really report the news, but rather self-promote their network programming, like Survivor, American Idol,etc.  I was walking by last night, though, and the television was on.
   KRIV has a segment on their so called news program where they have Quanell X sounding off against some white guy.  If you are familiar with who Quanell X is, he is promoted as being a "community activist".  That is code for someone who stirs up racial tension.
   Last evening, he was spouting his racist venom, as he often does.  He was talking about the kidnapping of girls in Nigeria and how people in Hollywood were concerned about them.  He said, "I never knew that white folk really cared about young black girls."
   Now, I don't know if you have heard about Donald Sterling, but he was ostracized about not wanting his girlfriend to socialize with blacks.  His comment was made in the "privacy" of his own home, while Quanell X's comment was made on a major network news program.  Where is the outrage?
   I grew up in an era of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the great U.S. Congresswoman from Texas, Barbara Jordan.  Dr. King promoted looking at a man's character and not the color of his skin.  Congresswoman Jordan advocated closing the borders of America.   They used reason over race baiting.  
   It is time that all Americans stop this ignorance!  I encourage everyone to join the letter writing campaign against KRIV.  Let them know that if this is their view, they are not welcome in your home.  It is up to real Americans to let the media know we are fed up with this kind of nonsense.  We have a voice and it is time we use it.  I am just sick of the stupidity, aren't you?

   Here is how to contact them:

Physical/Mailing Address
4261 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77027

Main Number/Programming/Public Affairs
(713) 479-2600

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Donald Sterling 4/28/2014


   If you are reading this post, you probably have heard about the remarks Donald Sterling, NBA

 owner, said recently in a private conversation.  You have probably gotten caught up in the "controversy" that the media has created to take focus away from what Democrats are doing to you.  You may not even care about "politics".

   Here is my take on the so called "controversy":  There is no controversy except how the media is trying to force people into their way of seeing the world.  Donald Sterling has an inalienable right to the First Amendment of our Constitution, ESPECIALLY in a private conversation.  If he wants to "own" negroes, and they choose to stay on his "plantation", what business is it of yours?
   The media covered the Los Angeles Clippers taking their jerseys off in protest of Mr. Sterling's comment, but no one left the team.  How much is your soul worth?  The players obviously don't want to give up their money to stand up for a "cause".  The media seems to think Mr. Sterling should give up his team, though, because he has a thought of his own.   If they don't want to stand up for their "cause", why would the media whip everyone else into a frenzy?  
   I just don't understand why real, thinking Americans keep falling for the crap the media puts out these days.   Doesn't anyone think for themselves? I guess I am the only one.

You are welcome to leave your comments here if you have a thought on the subject.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014



   What do a (1) casino magnet, (2) a private equity executive, (3) a hedge fund founder, a Washington insider and lobbyist, a former RNC chairman, and former ambassadors have in common?  They decide who your next candidate for President of the United States will be.  And you thought our government was by the people, for the people, and of the people!
   On March 25, 2014, The Washington Post reported that the potential GOP candidates will be in Las Vegas today, attending the spring meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition.  This is also dubbed as "The Sheldon Primary".  The WP says that Jeb Bush, Governor Chris Christy, Governor Scott Walker, and Governor John Kasich will be in attendance.  Sheldon Adelson,

Sheldon Adelson crop.jpg 
   (photo from Wikipedia)

(1) casino magnet, is vetting the potential candidates, to see who he will fund in their bid to win the White House.
   There will be a lot of affluent, powerful people there as well:  Lewis Eisenberg 
Lewis M. Eisenberg picture, image, poster

     (photo from Browse Biography)
is (2) the private equity executive.  He co-founded and co-chaired Granite Capital Investment Group, L.P.  Here is a tidbit for you, though:  for many years, Mr. Eisenberg was also a partner in Goldman Sachs and Co.  It is slimy, creepy how the Feds "forced" Goldman Sachs to take TARP money, then bought mortgage backed securities from them so they could pay the bailout back.
    Paul Singer 

 The Global Financial Context Paul Singer.jpg
     (photo from Wikipedia)
(3) is a hedge fund founder.  Argentina's Foreign Affairs Minister, Hector Timerman, had a title for Mr. Singer.  In November of 2012, Mr. Timerman called Mr. Singer "the inventor of vulture funds", because Mr. Singer was aggressively trying to force Argentina to pay their defaulted 2002 debt.
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
    These are the people who have given us John McCain and Mitt Romney.  Whatever their personal financial interest is relative to our next U.S. President, these billionaires will lose another election for the GOP if they go down the same road they have been traveling.
    As this political season gets underway, keep this in mind:  you have the power to take back your government, including the Presidency.  Select a candidate who best stands up for what you believe, and DONATE to their campaign fund.  If a million people only donated $10.00 each, your candidate will have $10 million in their campaign fund.  Then, get on social media and tell your friends who you are backing AND WHY.  We can do this!

P. S.  If you talk to any of these rich, powerful people, please have them contact me.  I will tell them who they should back....for a modest consulting fee of $6 million.  Romney didn't contact me after I invited him to, and look what happened to him!

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Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:

Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:

Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:

Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:
Mr. Eisenberg is a long-time Republican activist and was recently elected Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has raised millions of dollars for the Republican Party and Republican candidates. He served on New York Governor George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman. - See more at:

Friday, February 28, 2014



   After extensive research, here are my picks for Republican Primaries in Liberty County/2014 Precinct 6:

United States Senator
   Dwayne Stovall

U. S. Representative, District 36
   Chuck Meyer

Lieutenant Governor 

   Todd Staples

Attorney General
   Ken Paxon

Comptroller of Public Accounts
  Debra Medina

Commissioner of the General Land Office
   David Watts

Commissioner of Agriculture
   Sid Miller

Railroad Commissioner
   Malachi Boyuls

Chief Justice, Supreme Court
   Nathan Hecht

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6
    Jeff Brown

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8
   Phil Johnson

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3
   Bert Richardson

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4
   Kevin Patrick Yeary

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9
   W.C. "Bud" Kirkendall

Member, State Board of Education, District 7
   Rita Ashley

State Senator, District 3
   Robert Nichols
State Representative, District 18
   Terry Holcolmb
Chief justice, 9th Court of Appeals
   Steve McKeithen

Justice, 9th Court of Appeals, Place 3
   Leanne Johnson

District Judge, 75th Judicial District
   Mark Morefield

District Judge, 253rd Judicial District
   Chap Cain

County Judge
    Craig McNair

Judge, County Court at Law
   Tommy Chambers

District Clerk
   Brenda McManus Jones

County Clerk
   Paulette Shivers Williams

County Treasurer
   Kim Harris

Justice of the Peace, Precinct  1
   Stephen Hebert

County Chairman
   Ross Ward

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Monday, February 17, 2014



The following are the Propositions for the Republican ticket in the March 4, 2014 Primaires:

Proposition 1: Religious Freedom
Texans should be free to express their religious beliefs, including prayer, in public places.
Proposition 2: Second Amendment
Texas should support Second Amendment liberties by expanding locations where concealed handgun license-holders may legally carry.
Proposition 3: Franchise Tax
Texas should abolish the state franchise tax, also known as the margins tax, to encourage business growth.
Proposition 4: Welfare Reform
Texas recipients of taxpayer-funded public assistance should be subject to random drug testing as a condition of receiving benefits.
Proposition 5: No Lawmaker Exceptions
All elected officials and their staff should be subject to the same laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances as their constituents.
Proposition 6: Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare", should be repealed.

These are the Referendums found on the Democrat Ballot:

Referendum 1: On Immigration Reform
The United States Congress must pass immigration reform; including an earned path to citizenship for those individuals contributing to the economy and the dependents of those individuals.
Referendum 2: A Living Wage For All Texans
Congress should pass legislation raising the federal minimum wage to at least 110% of the federal poverty level for a family of four without exception.
Referendum 3: Medicaid Expansion
The Governor and the Texas Legislature should accept federal funds; as provided in the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010; for the expansion of Medicaid to provide coverage to millions of uninsured and underinsured Texans.
Referendum 4: On Non-Discrimination Legislation
The Congress and the Texas Legislature should adopt legislation that expands protections against discriminations in employment, housing, and public accommodations based upon sexual orientation and gender identity.

   The difference between what is important to Republicans and what politicians think are important to Democrats are as different as male and female.  Please take a minute to look over each of them.  Which ones are important to you?  Which ones do you think would be good for your children?

Please leave a comment with your thoughts.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


   If you live in the state of Michigan, the answer to that question is that you support foreign invaders.   Your Democratic U.S. Senator, who you voted into office, withdrew his support of a plan that would replace the pension cuts to military veterans that he voted to pass in the budget deal struck in late 2013.  Why would he withdraw his support of the plan?  The plan would close a tax credit loophole for illegal aliens (foreign invaders).  So, translated, Senator Carl Levin

Carl Levin

supports the foreign invaders over our American military who were promised, by the same government that employs Senator Levin, that their pensions would be paid.
   The far Left in politics are at war with natural born Americans.  When are we going to wake up and get rid of these cancers?

What are your thoughts?

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