Wednesday, April 18, 2012


   The latest hooha from Washington is about Mitt Romney driving around with his dog in a travel kennel on the top of his vehicle back in 1983. 1983 was a very good year.  In August of 1983, we experienced Hurricane Alicia in the Houston-Galveston area....memories.  But let us get back to the stupid:
   The Leftist media was trying to distract Americans away from Obama's record for the past three years.  They will be doing this until after this election.  The poor babies lost on this one, though.  Here in Texas, we lower the tailgate and holler to "Blue", the Coon Dog to "load up", and he gallops into the bed of the pickup truck.  We don't have any of those fancy kennels to put on the top of our cars for our dogs, but they sure do love riding in the bed of the truck.
   By the way, we were reminded about President Obama EATING DOG while he was living in Indonesia.  Has anyone seen Bo, the First Dog lately?
   The fact is, Obama's operatives are doing anything they can to distract Americans from what is going on in Washington, and from Obama's miserable record as President.

What do you think?

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