If you follow the Rush Limbaugh show on the EIB network, here is an excerpt of what you heard on Friday from caller Johnny Donovan from Florida:
Americans had to lose their health care plans in order to for Obamacare to work. There was never any intention for anybody to keep their current plan. The only way Obamacare could work, as designed by Obama and the Democrats, is precisely because people would lose their plan. It had to happen that way. The only way Obamacare could work, the only way Obama could reform the health care system the way he wants to reform it is precisely if everybody lost their plan.
The call went on to say:
There was never, ever any intention that you keep your plan, whether you liked it or not. You were lied to, blatantly, strategically, tactically, and purposefully. The president of the United States knew that the only way to sell you on his reform was to lie about it, and that was to put you off guard and to relax any tension that you might use to oppose it by telling you that if you like yours, you can keep it, no big deal. Nothing's gonna happen to you. Which tells us that the vast majority of the American people like their plans and didn't want anything to change. And that's why all hell's breaking loose now.
But the simple fact is that for Obamacare to become what he wants it to become, you were never going to keep your plan. You were never going to be allowed to keep your plan. It had to happen this way. By the way, this term "single payer," that does not properly describe what it really is. In fact, describing what Obama wants and what the Democrats want as single payer might actually be a disservice, because it sounds really clean. Single payer. You go to the doctor, and one agency pays for it. No insurance company, no middlemen, no forms. You go to the doctor and you submit it to the government, single payer. That's not what it is.
Single payer is no more than communism. Maybe socialism, communism, the government owns the means of production, and they're not gonna do that, but they will own the behavior of the hospitals, and they will own the behavior of the doctors by virtue of how they are paid. But this is pure collectivism. It is total government control over every aspect of your life. That's what single payer is. It's not convenient. It's not an improvement. It is an overwhelming loss of individual liberty and freedom, and I'll just say it one more time. You had to lose your plan to get what he wants.
You can read the entire transcript at; go to the archives if you miss his shows and you can read what was said on his shows.
Have you wondered why the conservatives or the Tea Party are fighting President Obama and his liberal associates? There you have it: what he wants is "an overwhelming loss of individual liberty and freedom". He, Hillary, Harry Reid, etc. wants to abolish The Constitution. Just as the IRS has denied religious groups and Tea Party groups tax exempt status, President Obama will pick and chose who receives medical service, which physicians will get paid, what services will be allowed, etc. I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.
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