The Republican Party is a party of weenies. They keep allowing the socialist Democrats to tell the Republicans how to talk, how to act, what to do, when to do it, etc. I am sick of Yankee weenies running the Republican Party.
Here's the latest deal: suddenly after the general election of 2012, the United States of America is faced with a fiscal cliff. All of a sudden, there is too much spending and not enough revenue. Does anyone in America remember how the first four years were under President Messiah Obama? There was always so much drama. One crisis after the other that had to have a bunch of money thrown at it right then. Am I really the only smart person in America? Why does no one remember all the drama?
The first four years of drama brought us Solyndra and other "economic stimulus" schemes. Every day we were hearing the Messiah calling for Congress to "pass this bill now". He wanted to throw more and more taxpayer money down the toilet and he didn't want to wait long enough for thinking Americans to look at what he was doing.
Here is a post from the Natural from Janurary 21, 2012:
Here is a post from the Natural from Janurary 21, 2012:
Which brings us to the current "fiscal cliff", which did not exist on November 5, 2012. It wasn't until the Messiah was re-elected that all of a sudden America was having a crisis. Well, maybe the weenie Republicans need to drag their heels and allow the Messiah to come up with a workable plan to fix the problem that he created. Why would the House of Representatives step up to the plate and propose budgets that the Democrats will never agree to?
I say the weenies need to go to Disney World and allow the Democrats to fix the problem that they created. What are your thoughts?
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